Herds of arctic deer move from place to place in search of food. Bands of wolves follow them and hunt for the weak or sick ones. 一群一群的北极鹿到处迁徙以便寻找食物。一帮一帮的北极狼跟踪着北极鹿群以便猎吃鹿群中的老弱残病者。
Sam left on a deer hunt this morning. 萨姆今天早上外出打鹿去了。
But the deer we hunt with dogs. it's very beautiful. 我们是用猎犬猎鹿的,漂亮极了。
Now we have made you a pleasant safe deer park, where you can hunt by yourself as you like. 现在我们为您建了一个舒适、安全的鹿园,您能自己随便到那里去打猎。